Great mass and weight gain. No cosmetic side effects. Free of androgenic side effects. Comforts joints. Highly anabolic.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
250 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
250 mg - 500 mg/week.
Increases appetite. Highly anabolic. Enhances perpetual pump & pronounces vasolidation effect.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
250 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
250 mg - 750 mg/week.
Short-acting drostanolone ester known for its hardening effect and synergy with testosterone. Highly androgenic. Supports the central nervous system.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
100 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
100 mg EOD.
Low aromatization, very safe to use, great during cutting diet to prevent muscle mass, perfect for bridging between steroid cycles, no liver toxicity.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
100 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
200 mg -600 mg/week.
Massive strength & weight gain. Great testosterone mix for peak blood levels.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
250 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box..
Long-acting testosterone ester, natural hormone provides solid muscle and strength gains, good beginner steroid.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
250 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box..
500 mg -750 mg/week.
Fast-acting testosterone ester. Great for strength and mass. Perfect for beginner, natural hormone.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
100 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
200 mg EOD.
Long-acting trenbolone ester. Highly anabolic & androgenic. Explosive gains and change in body composition. Burns fat and increase metabolism.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
200 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
400 mg -600 mg/week.
Short-acting trenbolone ester. Explosive high quality mass & strength gains. Accelerate fat loss. One of the most powerful steroids available.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
100 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
100 mg EOD.
Promotes a hard and dry look. Increases vascularity, strength and pump. Great for competition. No liver toxicity.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
100 mg/ml.
A white aqueous solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
100 mg EOD.
VLong-acting testosterone ester, natural hormone provides solid muscle and strength gains, good beginner steroid.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
250 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
500mg - 750mg/week.
Fastest acting and purest form of testosterone. Massive strength gain. Short detection time.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
100 mg/ml.
A white aqueous solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
100mg EOD.
Boost size and muscularity for bulking. Ability to aid in joint pain and relief when individuals are training hard and lifting heavy.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
100 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
100mg-200mg / week
Powerful androgenic and anabolic action. Stimulate the growth of phosphorus metabolism.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
250 mg/ml.
A white aqueous solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
500mg-750mg / week.
Incredibly quick acting, 5 times more effective than natural testosterone. Increase muscle mass growth gives a desirable shape of the body.
Strength : | |
Muscle Gain : | |
Fat/Water Loss : | |
Side Effects : | |
Keep Gains : |
50 mg/ml.
Oil based solution.
10 x 1ml ampoule, packed in sealed box.
100 EOD